Let’s talk Transport – The who, what, when, where, why and most importantly, HOW!
26 August 2020
We have noticed that one of the main reasons why these demountable buildings are so popular is the ability to easily move them from place to place. Our buildings are steel framed and built on large steel skids which allows them to be lifted and moved with ease.
So how do you transport and move our buildings? In this article, we are going to delve into the world of transporting portable buildings and give you the lowdown on who to hire and how they do it.
Firstly we are going to go over the buildings themselves. They have been constructed and engineered by the manufacturer to be transported easily using trucks and cranes. All of the buildings we use are constructed from steel – steel framing with large steel skids as the foundation of the building. The skids are vital when it comes to transporting as they allow the building to be picked up without the need of a crane.
We transport the buildings from our yard using a super tilt or mega tilt tray. This is basically a really long tow truck specifically designed for transporting buildings and houses. The portable buildings are dragged onto the tilt tray just as a broken down car is dragged onto a tow truck. This is where having the buildings on skids comes in handy. The skids allow the building to slide across the ground and tray without damaging the foundation or the building. Once the truck arrives at the destination, it will unload the building in the same way.
You can however use a flatbed truck to transport but you will also have to hire a franna to lift the building onto the truck for transport.
Here is a list of companies that we have ourselves used in the past and who we refer our customers to to get quotes for transporting their building.
Super Tilt Tray Trucks Nationwide Towing Ready Towing Rod’s Towing Wil-Tow Clayton’s Towing
Crane/Franna Hire Burpengary Cranes Franna Hire Brisbane Pine Rivers Crane Hire Mighty Cranes
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